FHQ is checking out a very limited area of Alan Grayson's district this week. The highlight thus far? Someone wearing a Reagan/Bush '84 t-shirt (Liberal friends, get your credit cards ready.). I never want to be someone who take the shirt off another man's back, but in this case, I was tempted to request/barter/buy said shirt. I suppose an '80 version may have been better, but that was a heck of a memento there. I may have been the only one to fully appreciate it.
Anyway, this is a long way of telling everyone that I'm not entirely certain how this will affect posting this week. Though, between juggling the parks and dissertation writing, it probably won't result in increased posting. We'll see.
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I was in Florida last week, but I didn't see anything like the Reagan/ Bush '04 shirt. I did wear my Obama '08 polo, but I got no comments or offers. Why didn't you offer me anything when I wore my "Get a Head for a Change" tee-shirt featuring the rear end of an elephant grafted to the rear end of a donkey for the John Anderson campaign of 1980. I wonder what this shirt would bring on ebay? Give Mickey and Donald my best.
I don't know that I recall that shirt, Rob. I may not have been there that week. Surely I would have said something about it. I may not have offered you any money, but I'm almost certain I would have commented on it or at least remembered it.
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who tries to figure out what congressional district I'm in when I'm away. For some reason I only do it while I'm on the road on the way to my destination, though.
This is why I only travel in Vermont, Delaware, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana and Alaska.
Cool shirts, though. I guess I'll have to settle for the tiny Carter/Mondale '76 button I got at the Carter museum in Atlanta.
I wouldn't normally look for the CD, but I wanted a better lead for an "I'm away" post than "I'm away." I did learn about the 8th in the process though.
Ah, the green and white Carter/Mondale buttons; when colors other than red, white and blue were still acceptable for the Democratic and Republican Parties to use on such things.
Does that mean I am the only one? Scary stuff.
Well, probably not anymore. I don't travel that much, but this would be a nice road game to play. It would nicely complement the other game I usually play: How many different state license tags can you spot.
I'll be in Mike McIntyre's (NC-07) district later this summer before moving to Virginia Foxx's (NC-05) or Mel Watt's (NC-12) district in August. So long GA-10.
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