Showing posts with label blog notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog notes. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions: Electoral College Analysis

What data are you using to differentiate between states?
FHQ uses all state-level, trial-heat polls in its averages for each state. We use all the polls available to us since Super Tuesday, when the race for the Democratic nomination officially became a two person race; one with two seemingly evenly matched candidates. The argument can be made that Obama was even in the race following his Iowa victory, but did not fully quash the "flash in the pan" argument until after the split of the contests on February 5.

Also, I use only the polls that avoid the selection bias inherent in internet-based polls or mail-in polls. As such, the three waves of Zogby Interactive polls are excluded as are the mail-in Columbus Dispatch polls.

Finally, the data used at this stage in the game is the data attendant to the "likely" voter samples. With a month to go, those sample are more accurate than they would have been only a couple of months ago. Also, in the event that a polling firm posts two different versions of a poll based on whether third party candidates are included, it is FHQ's policy to take the version with those candidates on the sample ballot.
Why use those past polls at all?
Indeed, why not just use the most recent poll or polls like everyone else? Well, if I'm just doing what everyone else is doing, why even do it? I can quit now and go look at what Pollster or Real Clear Politics, to name just a couple, have to say on the matter. That's part of the reasoning, but the main reason for the inclusion of past polls is to avoid the volatility of polling. FHQ doesn't want fluctuation for the sake of fluctuation. If one poll is an outlier, fine, but that one poll should not be able to fundamentally shift the average and the projected outcome of any given state. The past polls are included because they represent the feelings of a group of respondents at a particular point in the race. Those feelings may be latent in the current environment, but in FHQ's estimation, should be accounted for in some way, shape or form. If the McCain campaign were able to effective make Jeremiah Wright an issue again, we could return to some degree to the polling distribution of that period. Will that happen? Maybe, maybe not, but that will be controlled for nonetheless.

How do you determine which state goes go into which categories on your map?
Early on in this process, it was simply a matter of averaging the polling data we had at our disposal. But as new polling data emerged, the older data served as an anchor on trends of the race -- at that time in the midst of the Democratic nomination battle. From May through the close of the nominating phase of the race, FHQ took the average of a state's polls, but discounted all but the three most recent polls. Following Clinton's withdrawal from the race, we took the opportunity to tweak that yet again, discounting all but the single most recent poll in a given state. The goal then was to make the average more responsive to developing trends in the race, but not responsive to the point that a single poll fundamentally shifted the outlook in a state.

That responsiveness balance is an important element here. Lately, as the polls have trended toward Obama, FHQ's averages have stagnated, moving very little in the face of the Obama flavor to the polls out in the wake of the economic situation on Wall Street. So we have once again fine-tuned our formula in the hopes of being responsive to a new direction in the race, but not simply responsive to one potentially outlier poll.

As I said in Saturday's electoral college post, our method of averaging serves us well in most states, but the exceptions are potentially consequential to the race for the White House. If you look at the Electoral College Spectrum, for example, that rank ordering of the states seems about right. The underlying averages in states like Florida, Minnesota and North Carolina, though, place them in positions outside of where the current trend would likely place them. At issue is the weighting formula for all the past polls backing up to Super Tuesday. All but the most recent poll had been discounted at the same rate and that meant that polls in March were treated the same as polls in September. Under the old configuration, that most recent poll counted as two-thirds of the average and all the other polls, treated with a blanket discount rate, accounted for the remaining one-third.
How exactly are you weighting those past polls?
As I explained above, FHQ's practice has been to discount each poll at the same rate. However, that is likely causing problems for the averages in some states. There is, then, a need to re-examine those weights specifically. The method we have settled on is to use what we are calling a graduated weighted average. And what that does is to discount polls in February at a level greater than more recent polls from August or September.

So, how exactly is FHQ weighting those past polls? The first step was to determine how many days there will have been between Super Tuesday (February 5) and election day (November 4). There are 273 days counting November 4, but that number won't be useful until that actual day. The real point of that determination is to assign a number to each date in between. February 6, then, was day one and yesterday, October 6, was day number 244. To determine the weight, the median point at which a poll was in the field, is used as the numerator while the day we are currently in -- today's numbers reflect yesterday's changes, so 244 -- is the denominator. That equation gives us the weight of any given poll. The poll numbers on that day are then multiplied by that weight.

However, there is one more twist I'll add to this. The effect this change has is only at the margins. Why? Well, there are a couple of things happening here. First, the graduated weighting essentially averages out to the blanket weight applied to all polls before. There are differences, but they are minimal in most cases. The other, related issue is that the relative weight of the most recent poll shrinks after the reweighting of the other polls. The blanket discount rate on past polls basically cut each past poll's value in half. Now that polling frequency has increased, though, there are a lot more polls that are at greater than 80% value. That threatens the preeminent position of the most recent poll. It is too much of an anchor on that poll. To confront this problem, and to give the most recent poll a little more oomph, we cut the weights in half. Relative to each other, then, the past polls are treated with the same basic weight they had before, but relative to the most recent poll they have been minimized.

Why are the thresholds between categories on the map where they are?
For much of this process, the threshold between a strong state for either candidate and a lean state was arbitrarily set at a 10 point margin. Likewise the margin separating a lean state from a toss up state was 5 points. However, as we have approached election day, it has obviously become more difficult for the candidates to make up enough ground to, if not overtake the other candidate in a state, become competitive there. In a nod to that fact, the thresholds were dropped to 9 points and 4 points, respectively, following the first debate. After the final debate, with just less than three weeks left in the race, the threshold will be dropped again to three points between the toss up and lean states. At that point, it probably will not be necessary to discuss the race in terms of three categories. It will be a question of which states are close and which states aren't then. However, FHQ will evaluate where the potential breaking point is between the lean states and the strong states at that point. It may not be necessary to talk about lean states at that point, but that distinction does add an element of clarity to how we perceive all the states in relation to each other.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Here's the Deal...

Alright folks. This is a change election, or so I've been told, and to have an electoral college analysis that does not respond well to changes in polling, is not necessarily a plus. I can see the writing on the wall and have now for a few days.

So here's the plan, both short and long term.

Tonight, I'll update the map as if there was no change to the formula and then have a few words to say in a separate post about the Muhlenberg polling discussion that sprang out of last night's update. It will likely not be tonight, but tomorrow I will revise the formula behind the map and see if we can kick start things around here.

Now the big question now is, well, why didn't you make this change after McCain's convention in St. Paul? Things were moving in his direction then. Why favor Obama with a change to the formula now? These are all valid and good questions. [I should have thought of them myself.] The reason is that conventions are part of what Jim Campbell would call the predictable campaign. We expected McCain to get at least something of a bounce out of the convention. The average's job in that scenario wasn't to mute the shift toward McCain, but to account for the likely temporary nature of the fluctuation. What we are witnessing now in the polls is something different and the mountain of past polls in our data set are too much of an anchor on the new -- and different -- data we now have. In other words, some revision is necessary to capture the true nature of the change. Whereas the convention bounce was temporary, the movement now likely isn't.

I'll be back shortly. I need to add in the afternoon polls to the averages.

Recent Posts:
The Electoral College Map (10/1/08)

The Electoral College Map (9/30/08)

The Electoral College Map (9/29/08)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Today's Agenda

Alright folks, I'm off to a late start to my blogging day today. However, I've got a few things I'd like to get out today. I'll have an electoral college update up shortly, one that will finally incorporate those Zogby numbers from last weekend.

More to the point on that Zogby data, I'll have a revised look at the convention bounce with that date included. I'll also take that opportunity to examine the overall utility of that series of three polling waves from the firm. If the effect is minimal, I'll retain them, but if the averages are significantly skewed with them included (vs. having omitted them), I may consider dropping them. Hold on, now that McCain may be advantaged by these polls, FHQ is considering removing them from the equation. Maybe, but given the increase in polling frequency, such potential outliers could quickly be normalized with the averaging formula. So it is possible, but not necessarily probable that the Zogby data will be dropped. Keep in mind that the first two waves favored Obama. Dropping them from the average would actually cause, in some cases, the average margins to narrow.

Finally, Scott had a really nice look at the state of the race from a bit of a different angle yesterday. I'd like to give that examination its proper due; more than just something that gets lost in the comments.

There are few other things that I may also get to today, but they may be pushed to tomorrow.

Recent Posts:
The Electoral College Map (9/21/08)

The Electoral College Map (9/20/08)

The Electoral College Map (9/19/08)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Blog Note

I'm starting a new continuously running post that will simply gather some daily links for my campaign politics students' consumption. I was thinking of doing this in terms of themes -- the first one will have some links concerning the conventions for example -- but given how quickly the dynamics of a presidential race can change, that may be feasible on some days but on others not.

Anyway, I just wanted to make our regular readers aware of the change and to invite you to contribute if you so desire. It doesn't have to be completely political sciencey, but that's the direction in which I'll be steering things.

Recent Posts:
Back to the Future: The February Frontloading Experiment is Over

The Electoral College Map (8/20/08)

On VP Predictions: Timing and Choices

Friday, August 8, 2008

On VP Announcement Timing and Graphic Naming -- Some Housekeeping

There are a couple of unresolved issues that I've been meaning to address but haven't found the time to do so this week.

1) Graphic Naming
I promised that I'd put the names for the new electoral college graphic up for a vote, but in true democratic fashion have tentative adopted a name -- the victory line -- for the state where 270 electoral votes are achieved. This seems strange without exhibit A, so here it is:

The Electoral College State Rankings
* Pennsylvania is the state where Obama crosses (or McCain would cross) the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the presidential election.

There are a couple of things at stake here: the name of the graphic in its totality and the name of the state in yellow. The latter has been discussed a bit more than the former, but here are the choices so far for each:
The Graphic Choices:
a) Electoral College State Rankings
b) Electoral College Spectrum
c) ??????

The Yellow State:
a) The Cutting Edge
b) The Breaking Point (Yeah, I'll include this because I've been using it out of habit lately.)
c) The Finish Line
d) Checkers
e) The Victory Line
f) ??????
The comments section is open for voting and further suggestions. I think I'll cut this off at 5p this afternoon and make a decision then. If there are additional names suggested that catch my fancy, I'll put them in above in an update.

2) VP Announcement Timing
Last week's post and subsequent comments discussion had readers speculating on when Obama would announce his vice presidential selection. Here's where that ended up:
Allen: Aug. 14-19
Josh: Aug. 4-5
Rob: Aug. 5-7
Scott: Aug. 7

Mean Date: Aug. 8-9
Median Date: Aug. 6-7
Allen pretty much nailed this one, saying that Obama would vacation first and then name his selection. I'm still moderately surprised that the Obama campaign didn't move prior to the Olympics (He's still got a few hours before the opening ceremonies are televised on tape delay here though. Online video coverage doesn't kick off until 6:30p EST and then it is mostly just badminton, shooting and handball. I'm not saying Obama's going to announce within that window. I'm just saying.). Had I (and Scott and Rob) bought into the momentum of Obama's VP red herrings the last two weeks? No, not the increased chatter among the chattering class, but that it had combined with fairly specific speculation --centered on one person each time -- and a timing constraint represented by the games in Beijing. Last week it was Tim Kaine. This week it was Evan Bayh.

I'm still less concerned with who the choices are on either side than I am with how these things are being timed. So, now that we know Obama's choice likely won't come this week, when does everyone think these choices will be Allen has won phase one and is owed several rounds of drinks because of it. There are now 19 days between today and when the vice presidential selection speaks at the Democratic convention on August 27. When will Obama move on this and why is that time optimal? Feel free to weigh in in the comments section.

Recent Posts:
What Would Happen If...

The Electoral College Map (8/6/08)

Did Obama or McCain Win July?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Polling Alert

Polling? What polling? Most of the major polling firms seem to have suspended state polling operations over the 4th of July weekend. That made for a half a week of waiting impatiently and wondering whether there would an update for the Wednesday edition of the electoral college map. I was prepared to put Sunday's map up again with today's date and talk a bit about VP speculation. However, that will have to wait as Zogby International has new state-level polling out for 34 states. I want to include that information, so that'll mean the map will be unveiled a bit later than I usually like to post it. Just scanning through the results, there are some interesting findings. We'll have to see how they affect the map.

Recent Posts:
Jesse Helms and the Current American Political Climate

The Electoral College Map (7/6/08)

Blog Note

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Blog Note

In case you hadn't noticed, things have been a bit slow around here this week. I've been out of town, and though I'll continue to be for the next week or two, the beach won't be pulling me away from my laptop as much in the coming week. So even though July has gotten off to a slow start here at FHQ, I'll hopefully make amends this week. I'll have a new electoral college map ready to roll out in the morning and have a couple of other interesting (I think) posts for later in the week.

Also, with results like the Montana poll the other day (more on that tomorrow), the temptation is to start doing a daily update of the electoral college map. However, I'm going to keep it a bi-weekly analysis until probably Labor Day. At that point, I'll shift to daily update when the real (or traditional) campaign begins.

Recent Posts:
Happy 4th of July!!!!

The Electoral College Map (7/2/08)

Did Obama Bounce Everywhere in June?