Saturday, May 14, 2011

The 2012 Candidates: Huck's out & Other Housekeeping

Let's belatedly update this list now that there have been a couple of noteworthy noes (Haley Barbour and Mike Huckabee), and just this past week a couple of formal yeses (Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul). Bad for southern governors, good for southern congressmen, apparently. Plus, Gary Johnson has jumped in since the last update as well.

With Huckabee out, Iowa has gotten more interesting and the race to be the not-Romney has lost another big name.


Barack Obama (announced: 4/4/11)

Michelle Bachmann
Haley Barbour (4/25/11)
John Bolton
Jeb Bush1
Herman Cain (exploratory: 1/12/11)
Chris Christie1
Mitch Daniels
Jim DeMint (3/24/11)
Newt Gingrich (exploratory: 3/4/11) (candidacy: 5/11/11)
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee (5/14/11)
Jon Huntsman
Bobby Jindal1
Gary Johnson (candidacy: 4/21/11)
Roy Moore (exploratory: 4/18/11)
Sarah Palin
George Pataki (4/20/11)
Ron Paul (exploratory: 4/14/11) (candidacy: 5/13/11)
Tim Pawlenty (exploratory: 3/21/11)
Mike Pence (1/27/11)
Rick Perry1
Buddy Roemer (exploratory: 3/3/11)
Mitt Romney (exploratory: 4/11/11)
Rick Santorum (exploratory 4/13/11)
John Thune (2/22/11)

1 Christie and Bush (and to a lesser degree Perry and Jindal) continue to be listed as "undecided", despite their rather constant stream of noes, simply because they continue to be asked. Admittedly time is running out and the noes will become much more definitive relatively soon.

Thanks to Mystery Politico for the Pataki news. FHQ missed it entirely.


  1. Pataki announced two weeks ago that he's not running:

    Also, I'm pretty sure that Bush, Christie, Jindal, and Perry have all said on more than one occasion that they're not running. Christie says it nearly every week.

    The only potential candidates who are publicly in the "I'm thinking about running, but I don't have an exploratory committee yet" phase are Bachmann, Bolton, Daniels, Giuliani, Huntsman, Palin, and Trump. Trump somehow didn't make your list.

  2. Thanks, MP. I had completely missed that about Pataki. It has been enough for me during the end of the semester to keep up with the primaries. That has been added.

    As for Christie and Bush (and to a lesser degree Perry and Jindal), I continue to have them as "undecided", despite, their rather constant stream of noes simply because they continue to be asked. Admittedly time is running out and the noes will become much more definitive relatively soon.

    I'll add a footnote for Christie and Bush and dig up Jindal's and Perry's last noes.

    As for, gulp, Trump, well, that's the first time I've typed his name on this blog. So much for that. I look him as the opposite of Christie/Bush. He will be treated as in when he is actually in.
