Saturday, September 19, 2009

About that New Jersey Governors Poll, Part II

I think Saturday was a good day for Neighborhood Research to release the results of their most recent poll of the New Jersey gubernatorial race. If people weren't already looking to the Value Voters Summit for a 2012 straw poll, they were planning on watching some football. [Yes, FHQ is aware that there are some people out there who did neither, but we're willing to bet that if you are reading this, you were looking forward to at least one of those.] In any event, it was a good day to sweep last month's snafu under the rug and move on.

New Jersey Gubernatorial Polls
Neighborhood Research
Aug. 12-21, 2009
Neighborhood Research[pdf]
Sept. 14-17, 2009

Yeah, remember their first poll. [Right, the one that led to this post to which this current one is a sequel.] It was the one FHQ was leery of because it showed Corzine ahead (???) and because the pollster was a former campaign manager of a Chris Christie primary opponent, Steve Lonegan. Well, according to Neighborhood Research's release today, that lead wasn't Corzine's; it was Christie's.

...but nevermind that we (Neighborhood Research) didn't bother telling anyone that reported this initial, how shall I put this so that it maintains a modicum of diplomacy, transcription error. Just to prove that I'm not imagining this, let's look at some (still active) screenshots from Pollster and PolitickerNJ from the around the time of the August Neighborhood Research poll.

[Click to Enlarge]

That's the view from Pollster, but how about PolitickerNJ?

[Click to Enlarge]

But if you follow the the link at this post's outset, you'll see that Christie is now the one who held that 37-35 edge during the mid-August period in which the poll was in the field. At the time, I talked about the two issues with the poll* (the Corzine lead and the potential conflict of interest) being two strikes against Neighborhood Research. Well, I think they may have just struck out.

But just so FHQ doesn't seem too jerky, tune back in tomorrow morning and we'll have a glance at how these polls (to this point excluded) would affect our graduated weighted averages of the race.

*And that doesn't even bring into the picture the small sample sizes and this quirky likely voters/definite voters distinction.

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Huckabee Takes 2009 Value Voters Straw Poll

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