Thursday, October 2, 2008

Is the Obama Campaign Planning for This Contingency?

Belligerent, Republican-programmed Voting Machines

Tip of the cap to Robi Ragan for bringing this one to my attention.

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  1. It's not that far out of the realm of possibility, sadly ...

  2. Sadly, the video is no longer available. Can someone give a paraphrase?

  3. Sure, though it still works for me. Maybe it was off for a while.

    Homer goes in to vote. Booth has electronic machine. Has only two choices: Obama and McCain. Touches Obama, voice says, "One vote for McCain." Keeps pressing Obama, machine records six votes for McCain. Homer declares, "This machine is rigged!" He is sucked into the machine, saying, "Must ... tell ... president ... McCain! this doesn't happen in America! Maybe in Ohio, but not in America!" Voting booth shakes, spitting out a bloody Homer. Election worker places a sticker on Homer, which reads, "I Voted".
