Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pence for President Gets and Assist from the Value Voters Straw Poll

Indiana congressmen, Mike Pence, just topped the fifth Value Voters Summit straw poll (723 voters) for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. [No, the group isn't expressly aligned with the Republican Party, so it was for the whole thing and not just the GOP nomination. However, there weren't a whole lot of Democrats in attendance.] Here's how the ledger looked when members of the group had cast their votes:
  • Mike Pence (24%)
  • Mike Huckabee (22%)
  • Mitt Romney (13%)
  • Newt Gingrich (10%)
  • Sarah Palin (7%)
  • Rick Santorum (5%)
  • Jim DeMint (5%)
  • Bobby Jindal (2%)
  • Mitch Daniels (2%)
  • Chris Christie (2%)
  • John Thune (2%)
  • Bob McDonnell (1%)
  • Marco Rubio (1%)
  • Paul Ryan (1%)
  • Haley Barbour (1%)
  • Ron Paul (1%)
  • Jan Brewer (less than 1%)
Pence is the real surprise here. If you were going to pick a Hoosier to have a good shot at the Republican nomination, you might have opted for Mitch Daniels instead of Pence. Yet, there Pence is, having doubled his share of the vote from last year's straw poll, on top. Sure Sarah Palin is on the low end in terms of share of the vote, but she was not in attendance. Neither was Tim Pawlenty, who pulled his name off the ballot because he wasn't going to be there. The Minnesota governor was in a similar position to Pence a year ago and there is no telling how he would have fared this year. Finally, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney essentially maintained similar shares of the straw poll vote as they did in 2009.

Does this result prompt Pence to jump in? Well, it is a little early still, but it might give him something to think about. Once the calendar turns to 2011, we will start seeing Republicans line up to throw their hat in the ring for the nomination. That's the next step.

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1 comment:

  1. Is it just me or does Mike seem to be gaining back all the weight he lost?
