Saturday, February 9, 2008

One Question Answered...Huckabee wins Kansas

One of the questions posed in today's earlier post was how Mike Huckabee would do in the post-Romney race for the GOP nomination. We have an answer: not bad. He won the caucuses in Kansas today. I still don't know what to make of this phenomenon. I suppose there is an anti-McCain sentiment among GOP voters and Huckabee is now the lone recipient of that group's support. He may keep things positive with McCain, and even if there is or isn't a plan in the works for them to join forces at some point, Huckabee's success may force McCain's hand in the future.

While the Democratic battle is evenly contested, the GOP race remains interesting. You have to go back several cycles to have anything similar to this (The 1992 Democratic nomination when Bill Clinton emerged is the last real example of a race that stretched on past Super Tuesday.). In 2004, Edwards had some delegates and was the last viable candidate out. The catch is that he only won once. Huckabee keeps winning. So, one candidate has a comfortable lead in the delegate count. The other candidate has enough support and delegates to lay claim to staying in the race, but cannot (most likely) catch up in the delegate count to make it a race again.

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